Friday, December 6, 2013

When Im a parent

When I'm a parent, I will always be there for my child. No matter the choices they have made I would always be there for them. I'll try my best to be there for them and work my hardest to give them the life they deserve. I will never let my child feel like they are alone. I'll try to be understanding in their choices depending on the choices, I may not agree but Ill never turn my back on them for it. I will always try my best like my dad does, he always lets me know that he is sorry for the mistakes he has made and he helps me in life so that I dont make the same choices in my life. But no matter how many mistakes he has made he made it up in the end to my sisters and I. I will always be there and comfort my child like my mom does. My mom has always been there for us, no matter the mistakes weve made she never once turned her back on us. She was there for me when no one else was, when it seemed like everyone was walking away from me, or my dad was away for a little bit, she was there with no questions, she was there to comfort me and tell me it was going to be ok. Dont get me wrong my dad didnt want to be gone, he had to be to get his life together for us girls. He comforts me when I need it now that he is back. When my best friend last year got into drugs and changed I was a complete mess, and my mom and dad were the for me when I lost my best friend since I was little. I will always be there for my child like my parents were and tried to be at all times.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

follow me

I picked Dan to follow because even though he is a single dad he is still laughing, and having a good time with his kid. I also believe that his post has good and funny information on it and I enjoy reading his blog and seeing that even though he is a single parent he doesn't seem to mind and is still having a good time with his son and not letting anything get in the way of that.

Thankful for

10.) Friends 
9.) food/water
8.) education
7.) music
6.) heat for winter
5.) Claytons family
4.) drawing
3.) one of my best friends that have always been there for me
2.) Clayton
1.) family     

Monday, November 25, 2013


So lets talk about stress. The little things, or big things that make you want to pull out your hair and scream. Different things set different people off, to some something may seem stupid or pointless but to others its that thing that will make you pull your hair out. Okay so my stress is people or work. Lets talk about the people one first. The people that stress me out the most are the ones that lie all the time and its the little lies that are pointless, like it makes me feel like they are acting like I'm stupid and wont notice that they are lying right to my face. Or they tell you that they hate something and then turn around and do the thing that they "hate". Like really? That makes me soooo mad. The way I deal with people like that is walking away, there really is nothing else to do, I have to walk away and get some space or Ill freak out on someone and scream, and I'd rather not do that Drawing makes me forget about what made me mad in the first place anyway, or talking about it to Clayton helps me out a lot with the stress. Or the people that make fun of other people just because they're different, I stand up for those people because its not right. Now lets talk about work. Work stresses me out by my manager just being a complete pain in my butt. I dont even know why she hates me, I didnt do anything to her for her to hate me but she does. I think thats what gets me the most is that she hates me for no reason, and I hate when people judge me before they get to know me. I think thats one of the most rudest things to do. Or at work you get those people that you are trying to be nice to and help and they are complete rips. My pay at work doesnt make me happy either but I'm hoping to get a raise, or a new job maybe. I believe that is the only things that bother me at work. Back to the people thing, I also hate when I have this friend that I will care about and they get depressed and I try and help and they completely ignore me. I'm trying to go out of my way to help you, are you're rude? What kind of bull crap is that. Definitely after all the bull crap you put me through in the past? They should be lucky that I'm even still in their life and I didnt walk out on them like they walked out on me. My mom also stresses me out, shes not in the best environment right now and it kills me to see her like that and Im trying to do all I can to help her, and it kills me when I can't, but me and my sister Sam aren't going to see her like that and Im hoping we get her into a better enviroment soon. I guess there is more that stresses me out then I thought, so I'm just going to stop talking about it now because its just going to stress me out even more then more I talk about it right now.

End of stress rant:(        

Friday, November 22, 2013


So the person I chose to write about that I appreciate is my boyfriend/best friend Clayton. I know it sounds odd that I wouldn't pick someone else but hes been there for me through a lot and I don't think I would be where I am today without him. Before we were just bestfriends and I was dating at the time his bestfriend Toby, which was a huge mistake. I was headed down the wrong path and dating Toby was just making it worst on my self. He made my problems just 10 times worst then they needed to be, but I let him do that to me. And I don't know how much Clayton told me to just leave Toby, because he wasn't any good for me, and Clayton could see how unhappy I was. Finally Clayton had told me all the things that Toby was doing behind my back(which I already kinda had a idea about), but hearing it from someone that I trusted more then anything just made it that much more real. It came like a smack to the face, like how could I be that stupid to stick around and watch this happen and not do anything. I had always liked Clayton a lot, more then a friend, but its one of those things where you dont think the other person likes you, so you back off. Well I should of just went for it and told him I liked him a long time before. Anyway, after me and Toby broke up, I started to hang out with Clayton a whole lot more. I slowly fell more and more for him. And I finally told him how I felt and he felt the same way. So we srtarted dating and I couldn't of been happier. There isn't a day that he doesn't make me smile:). And thats how it should be. He has helped me come a long way. I don't do half of the things I use to, I care about my grades now, I dont hang out with people that are just going to get me in trouble, and my self esteem is way higher then it use to be. He made me feel like I actually mattered in life. He made me smile again, and actually care about my life. He tells me everyday that Im beautiful and how much he loves me. He knows all of my flaws and my mistakes and my past, and still excepts me for who I am. He doesnt try and change me in anyway.When Im sad and crying he always finds a way to make it better. He takes care of me when Im sick, he supports all of my choices and doesnt tell me to change them in anyway. I know that with him in my life I'll never have to feel like Im alone, and yes I have my family that will always be there for me, but he makes me not feel alone. I appreciate everything he does for me and I wouldnt change it for the world. And I know that Ill never be alone with him in my life. He helped me out of a "dark place" at the time and Im nothing like I use to be, and I appreciate that from him. I couldn't be happier in life since I have him:)

End of appreciation rant, on a good note:)<3         

Friday, November 15, 2013

ways to improve your self esteem

   So this post is going to be about how to improve your self esteem. Everyone needs to have good self esteem or else something bad good happen, or you could make bad choices. So here are 6 ways to improve your self esteem.
    First find your positive qualities and embrace them.make a list of all the things that you're good at and all your friends, talents, skills, and experiences that have made you happy. Also add the good things that your friends have said about you and remind your self of these and look at the list often. People need to be able to feel good about their self, making this list will help you be able to look at the good things in your life.
   Second realize that you are desirable and not just a plain item by its self. Tell your self that you are wanted and anyone would be happy and lucky ro have you in their life. Also accept that you are not perfect, but no one is, and why would anyone want to be perfect. Not being perfect is what makes you who you are. Don't let anyone tell you that you're are not worth it because you;re not the person they want you to be. Be a person YOU want to be not what others say or want you to be. Take a picture of your self smiling as big as you can and put it where you look oftern everyday, like the bathroom mirror. Let your self see how you are desirable and see how anyone would be happy to have you in their life.
   Third of all, remind your self of all the problems you have been through and have over come, remind your self that you havent let a problem stop you from moving forward. If there is a problem that you can't handle on your own, dont let that stop you, get help and advise that you need to over come the problem that you're going through. And if you ever have doubts about your self make a challenge that you think that would be hard to over come and do it, prove to your self that nothing is to hard to over come and that you can do it no matter what. Remember every accomplishment, big or small, and write it down so you know just exactly how many things you have over came in your past . 
   Fourthly, believe in your self, if you don't believe in your self how do you except others to believe in you when you don't. Don't always do things that make others happy, do things that make you happy also. You have to put your self first sometimes, you cant always do everything to make everyone happy if you're not happy your self. Prepare your slef to disappoint others in sake of making you're self happy and taking care of your self, not everyone can come first.
  The next step is to remember a experience where you made a mistake or didn't like the outcome and make your self make notes of what did go right. Not everything will go the way you want to in life and you have to except that, but not everything goes wrong, something will go right and you need to realize that in the end. You'll feel better about your self about you realize that something will go right in everything you do. You can't always believe that it went wrong completely. 
  The last point is to look at your whole body and pick out at least 5 things that you, your self like. Try and make them things on the outside of your body and not things on the inside. You need to be comfortable with things on the outside of your body. They can also be things about your style in how you dress, hair, or make-up. Once oyu cant the things on the outside start with the things on the inside of your body. Once these is done you have done all of the steps.

6 steps to self esteem



Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I'v had the same goal since the 7th grade. Iv always wanted to go to medical school to get my medical examiter. To do this I have to go get my 2 years in and then go to beauty school for that degree and then on the medical school for that degree. I believe that this goal is going to be easy for me because it s a huge dream of mine that I will get done before I die. I also want to start a family. But thats my goal:)

End of post:)